
Random Updates from Africa - HIV/AIDS

The kids that God has allowed Susan to encounter have been so engaged in learning. Most have expressed a great appreciation for the information about how not to contract HIV/AIDS. The students were excited to receive their certificates for completing the program.

Susan sent pictures of one of the HIV/AIDS graveyards she visited. Her comment was that the epidemic has claimed so many lives she cannot count the vast number of sites similar to this one. What struck me about this photo was how many graves had fresh dirt on top of them.

The schools are so very different looking from the ones in our community. The staff doesn't have computers, some of the schools don't even have electricity or indoor plumbing. The chalkboards barely hold onto the walls, and yet the children feel blessed to be there. The children are grateful for their visit and treat the teaching team as if they are rock stars! Susan ask the children to sign her shirt so that she can keep a little part of them with her when she returns home.

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