All day long I field questions. I often wonder, what makes me qualified to answer some of the questions asked of me. I suppose it is that I am willing to answer, or maybe it is because I am the mom, or maybe it is because I am the one who has been around the longest – both at the office and at the house. I am not sure that actually qualifies me, however, maybe it does.
Here are a few questions I have been asked or heard in the past few months:
Why do you think God made people?
How did God start?
What is heaven?
Is heaven truly wonderful?
How big is God?
How did He come alive?
What does He smell like?
Why doesn’t He have everybody believe in Him?
How is He with us wherever we go?
How come He doesn’t get rid of the devil?
How is He everywhere?
What color is God?
How old is God?
What does He wear?
Why can’t we see Him?
How does God stand it when He sees how we treat each other?
Some times questions can be fun … even exciting. Some times questions can cause you just to have more questions.
Interesting to me is that Jesus often opened dialogues with questions or began teaching with questions. However, today I have experienced some “religiosity” that discourages questions or investigating. I just wonder if this is truly godly?
At any rate, I figure God is big enough to hear my questions, my kids questions, my friends questions and Christ’s enemies questions, and decide whether or not he wants to answer them. What do you think?
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