
Heads Up - Youth Group Info - '09 Events Mark Your Calendar

Calling all c2g youth ... We have several opportunities to get together hang out, serve, and do "stuff" thanks to Tinea Agen leading the charge.

Mark your calendar now:

Beginning February 15 - Bring your instruments & voices @ 10:00am on Sundays for band practice.

February 26 - Fort Wayne Rescue Mission, we will help to serve the super meal and provide clean-up time

March 7 - Camp Lutherhaven Retreat - kids & adults invited - lunch provided for $6 each

March 13 - WinterJam @ the Coliseum $10 at the door (save up for this event!)

April 23 - Earth Day, Park Clean Up, 5:00 meet at Johnny Appleseed Park - we may ride bikes to Lawton Park to pick up trash in both parks

May 30 - Lindenwood Hike, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm, hiking & Bible study time in naure

June - Looking for your suggestions

July 16 - Swimming & Canoeing at Chain of Lakes (We need extra adult supervision parents)

August - Assist with the Refugee VBS, we will join the VBS groups to assist with the Burmese

September - Frisbee Golf

October - Prayer Fest at c2g

November 12 - Laser Tag at Ultra Zone, 6-9 pm $10 each

December 10 - Christmas Caroling & Bowling

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